Masahito Hosokawa Laboratory,
Waseda University
Unlocking microbial potential through digital and biotechnology, we aim to drive sustainable industrial growth and enhance human welfare.
Masahito Hosokawa Laboratory, Waseda University uses digital technology to elucidate the potential of unknown microbes existing on the Earth, and by applying the discovered microbial functions to biotechnology, we aim to contribute to sustainable industrial development and improved human welfare.
To achieve this goal, we are working on developing platforms to accumulate and analyze microbial genome information. As part of this effort, we have developed an innovative method to obtain the whole genome information of uncultured microbes from single cells. This technology has been used to study the intestinal bacteria that exist in our bodies, the microbes that exist in the soil that help plant growth, and the microbes that live in extreme environments such as the ultra-deep sea, hot springs, etc.
Our laboratory has advanced technologies such as next-generation DNA sequencing, bioinformatics, microfluidic technology, and synthetic biology, and is exploring new possibilities for microbes. These technologies make it possible to discover unknown useful species from microbes in the environment and to design new enzymes and material production processes by developing biotechnology based on large-scale microbial digital genome data.
We are actively recruiting students and staff to join us in exploring unknown microbes and exploring the possibilities of biotechnology. Let's work together to realize unique research by utilizing technology and data that can only be found here in the world.